Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Weekend Completed

Well the weekend is over and we had a really nice time.  The gambling spirits stuck with us for the entire weekend.  We had the opportunity to play a little more at the Craps Tables and the Black Jack tables and lost no money.  If I could learn how to add pictures to this blog, I could show you the circle of $100 bills I came home with.  Since the weekend was basically a free one because we were using bonus time at our Time Share, we came out WAY ahead connected to our finances.  Max got some homework done and I continued to play my PS2 and unsuccessfully face the bosses.  We had a really nice little vacation and enjoyed our stay very much.  The drive home was pleasant because leaving on a Monday keeps the traffic at bay.  I must say it is always nice to be back with the dogs and in our own digs.

Not much happening on the home front. I am behind in a lot of things and have my work cut out for me this week.  The yards need to be tended before we get more rain and I still have not put all the Christmas decorations away.  I need to get them wrapped up and boxed up so we can arrange the garage again.  Right now the Quads are not hooked up to the battery chargers and both have dead batteries (not to mention a couple of flat tires).  We have not had much free time to take them out, but we would like to make some trips to Carnegie for some riding time.  We will both be very glad when June arrives and Max is finished with school.

I think I am hoping if I mention the things that I need to get done in the blog then I will forced into doing them and be able to say, “Mission accomplished”.  Not sure how that is going to work, but I have extremely good intentions.  

I was doing very well with all my chores and tasks until the Holidays hit me.  I just have not been able to get back in the general swing of things since we had so many days off.  
Hmmmmmm intentions – wasn’t the road to hell paved with intentions?  I seem to remember hearing something like that.  Guess I better get busy – more action and less talk!  

Later . . .

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