Monday, October 06, 2008


THANK GOD and WOO HOO! Max was officially hired as a full-time career employee today. The stress of it all is finally over. I had conviction that it would happen, but Max has been stressing about it since they started laying people off. Now we can pretty much start looking forward to retirement. Since the Lab went private, job security is not what it used to be, but it sure beats the hell out of knowing come December 1st she was out the door. This means she is eligible for full medical benefits for both of us when she retires - which means a lot! We went out to dinner at the Fondue Place for dinner tonight to celebrate. We have been wanting to go there since it opened and it was GREAT! Way, way, way too much food, but we did the whole thing - salad, cheese fondue, meat/chicken fondue and chocolate fondue. It was amazing, but no way would I ever do it again - just plain too much food for one sitting.

We were in Cal City over the weekend to visit with the grandkids and family. We had the opporunity to watch one of Desirae's soccer games in which she made her first goal. It was COLD and the wind was blowing like crazy for her 8:00 A.M. game. We had a nice weekend and did a little family "Rock Band" which was fun.

Max took pictures, but Duane posted some shots on SmugMug. Check out his blog for a picture link.


Later . . .

1 comment:

Duane said...

Awesome news! That has to be a tremendous relief! Sounds like a good reason to buy something nice!