I really do have the best of intentions, but I just don't seem to be doing a good job of posting in a timely manner. Where to start ???????? I think we were headed off to Napa the last time I posted. We had a great weekend and
The Bubbling Well Pet Memorial Park and Cemetery was absolutely beautiful. We checked out the memorial and got a look at Kodi's registry. We had a nice relaxing weekend and were treated to wonderful dinner and breakfast too. I think I drank some bad orange juice cause it certainly did not sit well on my stomach. While in the area, we checked out a couple of Indian Casinos - they are everywhere. We were both amazed that Napa really is only about an hour or so from home. Will have to make that trip again.

Max is doing the 12-hour thing so nothing much is happening during the week. She traded Friday for Saturday and we went to San Jose to check out some camera shops doing research on tripods and heads. The research ended in purchase - she got a Gitzo head and Manafrotto legs. I was completely amazed at how lightweight they both were - very sturdy, but I guess alloy. She is a happy camper as the tripod goes sideways and will be good for shooting with her macro lens for those close close shots.

She also got a really good deal on a used Nikon Repro-Copy Outfit PF-4. Will be the only Nikon thing in the house, but Duane will appreciate that.

Jesse had his graduation ceremony on Saturday (he is now a certified Medical Assistant). Kathy, Paul, Michael, Max, Ann, Warren and I went to the graduation and then we all went to Marie Callender's for lunch/dinner (corn bread YUM). Forgot my camera, but Max got a bunch of pictures.
This weekend Jesse, the kids and Ann are coming down for Michael's Special Olympics (basketball). We will have them here for dinner tonight and then we will all be at Kathy's for dinner on Saturday. Max is really looking forward to using her new tripod for pictures of Mike and his game playing.
My sewing machine is now at the Pfaff dealer in Walnut Creek. Hopefully I will get it back soon and all this silly machine crap will be DONE!
Debby is coming home for her 2 weeks soon (the first of May) and we are all very excited about seeing her.
I think that is it for now.
Later . . .
This picture Max made for Duane . . . :)