Monday, November 24, 2008

Devin is making great progress and handling it as well as anyone could expect - actually better than some would handle it I am sure.  He does not seem to be in any more pain, which is really nice.  Of course being off the medication brings on the problem of not being able to sleep.  Hopefully it will all even out soon.  His body seems to be recovering and getting back to some normal functioning.  His appetite is picking up and his strength is coming back - wish I could say that my appetite was letting down while my strength was picking up.  I am doing amazingly well with the lifting.  He has to be lifted from the bed to the wheel chair and then to the couch if he wants to go there.  He also has to be lifted from the bed or wheel chair to the potty when he needs to go.  He has a urinal which he can use for that purpose.  I am trying really hard to protect my back and lift with my legs, but my knee is giving me some problems in that area.  Overall I am doing well considering the up and down connected with Devin and then also the stairs for the trailer and just generally keeping up with Deanna is a task in itself.

I am really looking forward to Max coming down on Thursday for Thanksgiving.  I have been gone from home and am missing her - not to mention missing my home and the dogs.  Living in a family with three kids is a BIG change from what I am used to.  Anyway, she will be here for Thanksgiving and then we will be heading home on Saturday.  Denise's niece is coming to stay and help her with Devin after I am gone.  She needs someone to help her with the lifting during the day while Duane is at work and when Desirae goes back to school.

Later . . .

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