So MUCH later . . .
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Taking a Break
So MUCH later . . .
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Later . . .
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Later . . .
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Finally the New Year

The family went to see "AVATAR" on Saturday and I have to say I was amazed by the movie - awesome! Well worth seeing and we are going to see it again at the iMax. Michael was in Redbluff this last week so we will see it again with him. I usually do not ever want to see a movie more than once, but I am ready to see it again. I loved that movie - go see it!
We got the house "undecorated" Saturday morning. I did a lot of one handed carrying, but Max got the brunt of it all. Debby came over today to help her get the stuff back up in the rafters - no lifting more than a pound for me!
Max has one more day before she has to go back to work. Hard to believe it is 2010 and another birthday is staring me in the face.
Later . . .
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Clearing things up . . .
Later . . .
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Email Posts
Later . . .
Monday, December 28, 2009
Catching Up

Duane and Denise came up the weekend before Christmas and we had a great time with them and the grandkids. We basically bought games for the kids and we spent most of our time playing games with them. The weekend went by rapidly as they arrived on Friday night and left on Sunday afternoon. We had our Christmas on Saturday. The kids had never been here for Christmas (we have always gone to their house) and it was really nice to have them here. We don't have any extra room, but we got out the air mattresses and it worked out.
Max and I took a couple of days and drove up to Reno - had some snow on the way, but not too bad. We had a really nice time just messing around and doing some gambling. We came back on Christmas Eve as Max's mom was having surgery on that day. All went well with the surgery
and she got to do the out-patient thing and went home that night. We spent the day at Debby's having snacks and watching movies (The Hangover and Four Christmases). For anyone who is interested, The Hangover was a total HOOT! Max ended up sick to her stomach and did not feel good for a couple of days.
We are having another Christmas on New Year's Day. Kathy is fixing dinner at our house and all the Lawson family will be here. Jesse only gets the kids for Christmas every other year and this was his off year - thus New Years.
I am experiencing some severe boredom due to the fact I can't do anything that I normally do. No sewing, no quilting and nothing around the house really. Not a whole lot you can do with one hand. I am sure Max will be happy when the cast is off and the PT starts.
Later . . .