Hard to believe that the time of having the kids has come to an end. Max decided to have one last "pool party" with them yesterday since the temperature heated back up. I was glad to fill the pool back up and give them one last swim. I am glad that Max is able to play with them in a way that my knee will not allow me. It used to me in the pool with the kids and crawling around on the floor - hopefully after the knee surgery I will be able to be more interactive (I am the champ when it comes to video games though).

Max got a recipe from one of her friends at work to make "ice cream cone cakes". We decided to make a little baking project for the kids on their last night here. They helped with the whole process and Devin learned how to crack an egg - that was after the first attempt that ended up in his face. He learned the art of tapping and cracking instead of forcing the egg apart. The project turned out fun, interesting and yummy.
Now that the kids are ready to be reunited with their parents - they are starting to present the sad pouting face because they are going to miss me, Max and the dogs. Maybe next year we should try a vacation somewhere in one of our Condos and share time with the kids. Duane and Denise could have some quality adult time without the kids, but they would be close at hand for the Mommy/Daddy fix.
Later . . .
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