Kathy wanted to do some practice embroidery so she brought her machine over and while Max and Paul were tying flies, I helped her with the above project. She wants to add some more snowflakes and she now knows how to do it. The whole embroidery process can be a bit intimidating until you have done it a few times. We had a great day working on projects and then after dinner we all shared playing Rock Band. It was a blast and Mike was "rocking out" on the drums.
We have been having a terrible time with our DSL connection and have not been able to get on the internet - except by chance every once in a while. I called AT&T and they seem to think it is in our line and were suppose to check it out today. For whatever reason it has been connecting with a strong signal this AM - so I am hoping they did their thing - "between 8 and 5". At first I thought it was my modem that was going out, but we could not connect even when we plugged straight in with the DSL cable. It has been frustrating, but it does seem to be working now.
Later . . .
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