Max has been "not so patiently" waiting for the arrival of the occupants for her ant farm. She finally had to get on the phone to "Uncle Mitch" and bug him to get the ants in the mail. She had decided that she was going to name all the ants Bob (this way she will not get them mixed up - as if you could tell the difference between ants). Now she can just say, "Look at Bob work". They are pretty busy little things. They arrived with two of the Bobs dead. The other Bobs are cleaning up and trying to make a place to bury them. They are quite interesting to watch and I am looking forward to see what kind of a home they build.

We are heading off tomorrow after Max gets off work to have an "early Christmas" with the grandkids. We are really looking forward to seeing them and giving them their Christmas gifts! The weather is suppose to be horrid, but I did put new tires on the Xterra and had the front end aligned.
Later . . .
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