Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Allmost back to normal

We received the final inspection on the addition (which was a piece of cake considering the inspector only looked at the stove and the back step). We have a couple of things that need to be replaced/fixed and then the final payment to the contractor. It will be nice not to have all the intrusion in our life. I have slowly been working on getting things put away, but it is no easy task. I have not moved anything into my new sewing room as we are still waiting for them to replace the window. If I put stuff in there under the window, I will just have to move it. I think I may go shopping for some cabinets or shelves to go on either side of the door. I would then at lease be able to start transfering some of the things I have on the shelves now. I would like to have most of what I put in there match, but I am moving my colored drawers in there cause I really like them. I actually was pretty happy with the way I had my room before, but was just to cramped for space.

I broke down and went to a beauty salon a couple of days ago and had my hair trimmed - AFTER I had a body perm. I think I am happy with it and it seems to be the easiest way to let my hair grow a little. I was at that point that it had to be CUT or CURLED to survive. I am not sure summer is the time to have longer hair, but at least if I keep letting it grow then it will be winter by the time it is actually heavy on my neck. I have not been in a beauty salon in years. but I think it was worth it.

I have not been taking any pictures, so there will be none uploaded tonight. Just thought I should at least make a posting.

Later . . .

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