Monday, September 17, 2007


My brother Don came down for a visit and we checked out the golf course after we had a “long awaited” breakfast at the Custom House downtown Avila. It was a very relaxing day and after Don left we ventured out around the complex in search of a WiFi connection. We were not successful, but did hear that the Custom House restaurant had a free connection. We took a walk down there and did get to connect, but I was not really prepared to upload pictures. I will do some work on that and get organized so I can get some pictures uploaded. We caught some amazing shots of Pelicans, sea gulls and sea lions fight for pieces of fish that were being thrown off the pier while people were cleaning their fish.

We were really disappointed this evening because they cancelled the “bond fire at the beach” because one of the employees called in sick. We were really looking forward to the experience AND the smores. We ended up hitting the vending machines for candy and just settled in the watch the Emmys.

The one thing to be said about this place is it is really kicked back and relaxing. The weather is beautiful and I love the coast – the cool breeze off the water is great. Since we are right on the water side we get this incredible breeze that combines with the crashing of waves to make for a really nice night’s sleep.
Later . . .

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