Wanda came for a visit and I really enjoyed that. It gave us a chance to catch up on "stuff" and just hang out and visit. We did a lot of nothing - I got her addicted to a couple of video games that I had on my computer, but I could not get her interested in Guitar Hero. I did manage to get her to play a couple of PS2 games (she needs to know how it works cause they bought one for their grandkids). We went out for Sushi and Indian food and that was yummy.
Things are about the same around here. Max still has a job and will probably have one until December, but the morale at work SUCKS. Everyone is unhappy and waiting to find out who is staying and who is going - really a depressing place to be right now. It is hard not knowing if there will be a job or not and trying to decide if she should throw her 7 years away and start over or stay and wait and see. My vote is for the stay and wait and see, but there are some jobs she might apply for and then if she gets a job offer - make the decision at that time.
When we were in Santa Barbara Max was able to pick up a bunch of photography stuff she wanted and today she got her Multi-dome Soft Box (which came with some free online lighting lessons). She really has everything she needs now for a complete studio. She is going to take some studio shots of a co-workers daughter next weekend.
Later . . .
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Almost everything :)
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