Well the dog quilts are ready to make the trip! I finally got the binding on and the labels made. I am hoping to be able to do the hand stitching of the binding during down time relaxing at the condo. We have had a busy week since the kids went home. Our gardener just stopped showing up so I am doing the yards now. Got the yards done, pool drained and the slip and slide deflated and put away. I then tackled the quilts to have them ready to take with me. Michael had his 25th BD party last night - everyone went to a Karaoke Bar. Max and I left before the "real" singing got started (she had to work today). We are very much looking forward to doing some fishing and spending some time with Debby before she leaves for Iraq. I am not taking a computer with me, but I will have my cell phone (providing we get service up there in the mountains).
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