Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Catching Up

It is hard to believe that so much time has passed. I guess we have been busy working on the whole computer transition (Me to a Mac and Max to my Sony). My Mac transition was pretty painless compared to the problems she is having adding her old hard drive to the newer Sony. I am sure Kathy will be able to accomplish it, but there have been some sheer anxiety moments during the transition (fear of losing everything) - it is not complete as yet, but should be soon.

I have been snipping on my quilt and it is going to take considerable time to get it all done. I did not really grasp the concept of just how many snips there would be. I am just taking my time and working on it slowly. I would like to get it completed because it is taking up my entire cutting table and moving it around leaves a mess. I would like to start another project, but I need to see this through to the end.

We decided to count our change for our Laughlin trip and have ended up with over $1000. Now we have to wrap it all and get it to the bank. We have been saving loose change in our Pepsi bottle bank for a couple of years and it had around $500 in it and our fifty cent pieces were about $550.

I hate when I don't post often because I forget what we have been doing and leave things out. I also have been letting Max do most of the picture taking and then she has the pictures on her computer and I have nothing to upload for the blog. I will have to do better with taking my camera along and grabbing some shots.

Later . . .

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