This is EXACTLY what I wanted for my birthday! I have been wanting a small shop vac that I can use in my sewing room to keep up with the threads, lint and DOG hair. This is a sweet little Craftsman that has a 10 foot cord and plenty of power.

My plan for the day was to do some quilting and Max was helping me to adjust the laser on my machine. I wanted to do some more practice and loaded one of my "cheater" quilts. Things were looking good and I was progressing nicely until I made the mistake of NOT checking the under side after I got started. I checked in the beginning to make sure my bobbin thread was sewing correctly, but when I advanced my quilt I somehow maganged to get a wrinkle on the back. Because Max is the sweet person that she is, she helped me in ripping out the stitches. We did not get it completed and I decided to give it a rest and go in the house and make myself a banana cream pie with meringue topping (that is my favorite dessert my Mother used to make me and I decided that I wanted to do one myself). Max is fixing steaks for dinner, so we have not had any pie as yet, but it certainly looks beautiful!

I will let you all know how it turned out, but how could something like that not be good - pie crust, bananas, pudding and meringue!
Later . . .
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