Considering I have not been feeling all that great (nose pain). I am making progress on the quilting front. The quilt that needs to come off (above) is almost done. I only have three squares to quilt and it can come off. Kathy's quilt, the one that needs to go on (below) is ready. Kathy just has to get the backing sewn together and we should have a completed quilt the first of the week. Of course Kathy will have to add the binding and then she will have a completed quilt. Diesel (Kathy's new kitten) will be so happy as the quilt is for him.

Tomorrow I get to take the bandages off my nose and I have mixed feelings about that. I am totally ready to have the bandages off, but pulling the tape off my face is not going to be a pleasant experience. I also do not think the cleaning and putting medication on my "holes" is going to be much of a pleasant experience either. However, be assured that I will blog about it and let everyone know how it went!
Later . . .
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