So my doctor, AKA McDreamy/Steamy Hottie Hottington (OMG he is a young, gorgeously sexy , latte skinned, curly headed stud with melted dark chocolate pools for eyes) explained my options regarding my recovery and the holes. His recommendation is to treat the wounds for the next 5 weeks with hopes they will fill in naturally (He says there has been great success with this method). The other option was to graft tips of my cheek skin into the holes leaving the skin attached and then separating the skin once it had grafted. The option we chose was to treat the wounds (clean daily with hydrogen peroxide and fill with Aquaphor) and see what they look like in 5 weeks. If I am not happy with the results, I can choose to have the cheek skin grafts at that time. I am not very happy with the whole matter, but as Max says, "You are cancer free and that feels good". Of course, I am grateful to be cancer free and also that we have good insurance. I am a swollen mess and my nose HURTS, but I know it will pass and all will be good in a couple of days.
Next is the thumb surgery one week from today and I know that is going to be painful. At least I am getting things taken care of and it will all be for the better when it is over. I will be in a splint for 10 days and then in a cast for weeks (not sure how many). Due to having the thumb surgery next week, my priority this next week is to get Kathy's quilt on my frame and finished before I have my thumb surgery.
I plan to post a picture of Kathy's quilt and my Christmas quilt in the next few days and then will post again when I have completed the quilting. Since this was Kathy's first quilt, I know she is anxious to have it finished (and I don't blame her for that - I would feel the same way) . Unfortunately, the stupid swine flu set me back on my progress completing the "cheater" quilt I have on my frame now, but I should be able to finish it in the next few days and move on to Kathy's.
I am tired and in pain. Time for ice on the face/nose and perhaps another pain pill. I had a nice nap this afternoon and might do the same while Max watches football.
Later . . .
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