Friday, April 28, 2006
Awaiting the Results
Max has been hard at work while Wanda and I have lazed around the house playing sudoku and reading "rag mags". Kathy brought over a wonderful lasagna, salad, bread and "to die for" chocolate/strawberry dessert Monday night, which was greatly appreciated by all. She then brought over a bunch of great colored pencils and books along with another sudoku book to keep me busy. I have been having a great time with the colored pencils - I love to do pencil coloring just like my mother used to do! She then brought strawberry shortcake - ahhhhh I am doing nothing but laying around and eating (I need to be up and about soon)!
Wanda and I ventured out today while Max was taking finals. We had our toes done and that was a real treat. The pedicure along with the leg/foot treatment and massaging chairs, not to mention the nice colored nails was a much needed uplight (followed by Starbucks and a Wal-Mart trip).
Wanda has to go home tomorrow and I will be sad to see her leave. I am sure things will be back to normal starting next week and hopefully I will get the camera in action and do some postings.
Still looking forward to a relaxing weekend. The weather has turned really beautiful and it is nice to have the windows open and experience a nice breeze.
Later . . .
Monday, April 24, 2006
Today is the DAY
May be a couple of days before the next post, but I will try to not make it 2 weeks.
Later . . .
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Two Weeks!
The dogs are both well - thank goodness there was nothing wrong with Darci that a diet won't cure and Kodi's foot is all better (since I made him wear a sock for a couple of days to stop licking and picking). I think I was able to pull a sticker out and that was the problem.
We did manage to get some vegetables and flowers planted and I managed to mow the lawn. The result of the mowed lawn was Kodi sported green feet and a bottom from running and playing on the wet grass. He always looks so funny when every white spot on him turns green.
I occupied my time the first week with cleaning out kitchen cupboards and sorting through things that needed to be thrown out.
I spent the day Thursday in Manteca with Max's mother (Ann) while Warren (Max's step-father) had a pace maker implanted. Then on Friday Kathy, Paul, Max and I headed out for David Walley's Resort and Spa in Genoa, Nevada (we lovingly call the place Wally World).
We had a really great time spending the week there. Not only did Max do homework on a VERY slow dial up connection, we went to the local Starbucks to access the internet because something she needed for school was timing out before it could load due to the slowness of the connection, we accomplished a VERY difficult fish puzzle, I conquered four star Sudoku puzzles, Kathy read a Dean Koontz book, we did Thrift Store shopping, checked out the BLM land office for places to off road, Paul checked out bicycle shops researching for a new bike purchase, checked out the local "oldest bar in the state", visited the local "general store" for soup and ice cream, had some great food at the local eateries, had good food at the condo (filets with blue cheese to die for), sat in the hot tub in the snow and still found plenty of time to gamble. If you can imagine Kathy played the penny slots machines for FOUR hours on ONE DOLLAR! Unfortunately, I did not manage to conquer the Craps Tables (would have loved to repeat the $1000 win from a previous visit), but we did have many hours of fun there and the Three Card Poker and Black Jack tables!
We had to come down to Sacramento for a day because Warren had surgery to replace an artery in his leg on Tuesday. We came down to stay with Ann until he came out of surgery. Max did homework, Kathy taught Ann how to do Sudoku puzzles, I did Sudoku puzzles and Paul read bicycle magazines. It certainly made the time pass quickly. Warren came out of the surgery doing very well and his recovery looks very promising. We stopped by the hospital to see him on the way home Friday and he was being released to go home.
Duane came down for the weekend today (he will be here for my surgery, staying until Wednesday) and we went to look at light weight travel trailers We were very impressed with how they looked and how easily they set up and came down. (Check Duane's blog for pictures).
Hopefully I will do better with posting and not let so much time lapse between posts.
Later . . .
Monday, April 10, 2006
Busy Weekend
We are having a hard time finding time to plant things in between the rain. Hard to believe California is having this much rain this late in the season. I am sure it will all work out, but we have both vegetables and flowers that need to be planted. Yards need to be mowed and I hate to do it when the grass is so wet – not good for the blades of the mower.
Kodi has a big sore (abscess) between his little toe and the next one. Darci has some sort of lump on her hip – God, I wish we had dog insurance! I made an appointment for Darci for tomorrow afternoon and just found the abscess on Kodi this afternoon. I will talk to the vet and see if I can just get some ointment for Kodi’s foot. I would prefer not to have to take him in, but she will probably want to see him and check it out for herself.
Later . . .
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Almost the end of the week . . .

I did mess around with my sewing machine and found an interesting embroidery pattern of a

Max is doing homework, the dogs are sleeping, fireplace is keeping us cozy and I am thinking about starting a new video game. (Keeps me busy and off the streets)! Oh yeah, Max has been riding her bike every afternoon when she comes home from work. I have been riding with her when my knee will allow and today was one of the days that I did not make it (I continued to sew while she rode).
Not sure what the plans for the weekend are, but we would like to go pick up some straw and get the newspaper and straw layed in the garden. I am thinking there will be a bike ride taking place sometime this weekend if I can get some ibupropen in me and feel up to the challenge. I need to do what I can and take ibupropen while I can because the week before my surgery I cannot take any anti-inflamatory medication (tylenol is accepted, but it just does not work the same).
Later . . .
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Blue Bike Monday

Later . . .
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Busy Weekend

We went to a really cute, quaint Italian restraurant (Baci Cafe) in Pleasanton for dinner. First off being the water drinker that I am, their water was GREAT! They had a pitcher with water, ice, slices of orange, apple, lemon, lime, strawberries and mint leaves. The flavor of the fruit and mint was very subtle and I loved it. I had an excellent bowl of butternut squash soup and Max had a great Greek salad. Our meal choice was skillet fried skirt steak with red pepper sauce accompanied by garlic mashed potatoes and baby spinach leaves. The dinner was excellent and we finished the meal with coffee and cream brulee topped with fruit. Not too pricey considering restraurants these days - it was very nice and completely worth it.
After dinner we went to Lowes to pick up vegetable seeds for the garden. I picked up some

Max is working on updating her resume for a job posting at LLNL (requires a BS in Technical Management, which is what she will have the end of June).

I think I will play my video game while Max does her midterm.
Later . . .
Orthopedic Appointment
The only down side of all the knee information is she wants me to complete everything I need to do connected with my breast cancer before she will schedule surgery. The hard part is my knee fricking HURTS and is limiting my activity and the breast cancer is painless (at this point). Of course she did point out the fact the pain in my knee is annoying, but not life threatening – OKAY, so point well made and well taken. She wrote the order for surgery, but would like to have me referred to an oncologist so she can discuss my treatment plan and the possibility of surgery. So for the knee surgery I am in a holding pattern, but at least I am confident it will be fixed in the near future (walking around
Later . . .