Max called in sick on Wednesday (she took the day off for Thursday) and her "peeps" at work set up her desk for a birthday surprise. She works with a great bunch of people and they did themselves proud. Max felt awful after she saw the pictures of what they had done and she did not show up. They picked out "special" cupcakes just for her!
She is very special . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAXINE!
Later . . .

Later . . .
Sweet!! Happy birthday Max! Hope you had a great day and I hope the kids made you feel special today!
The cupcakes are awesome. Rainbow colored with women in all of them. :) Now that's a group that loves you to go to that trouble; they couldn't have been easy to find. Hope they saved them for you, at least a few. I guess that would be like asking kids not to eat cookies. I bet the balloons lasted until Monday. You are so loved by everyone.
I love you and hope you had a great birthday! Love, Deb
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