Max was cruising eBay and ran across a fly tying vise that she has been wanting. It is one step down from the one Paul has and is "totally cool" (her words not mine). We decided to bid on it and give it a "snipe". Figured if we could get the vise plus all the extras for the price of a new one we would be ahead of the game. As luck would have it (or crafty sniping) she won the bid. Great bunch of stuff and more than she expected. Unfortunately, the vise had a knob that broke off during shipping, but it can be drilled out and replaced - so no harm and we are still ahead of the game.
Max is looking forward to tying flies with Desirae while they are here visiting. Of course Paul and Max will get together to tie before we go fishing in September (and that vacation is just around the corner).
Later . . .
I could quit my job and stay home :)
Wow, you can even make a bird. That's a lot of stuff so you'll be set for a while. Donna will know where to find you. :)
Love, Deb
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