Sunday, August 16, 2009


Had a fun Friday - Michael's 26th BD. He actually had his "party" Thursday night at the Karaoke Bar he and his work friends like to go to on Thursdays. Since Karaoke does not start until 9:30, Max and I skipped the drinking and singing part of the celebration. We all went out to dinner at his favorite Mexican place and then came back to our house for a good session of Rock Band II. Mike loves to place the drums!

Max and I both had "training sessions" on Saturday. I took an embroidery stabilizer class in Sunnyvale and she did a 2 hour session with a photographer (Kathy tagged along as her model). We were both pleased with what we learned. Max found this guy that she really likes in Fremont who gives lessons at his studio for $50 an hour - amazing since most people she looked up were charging in the hundreds!

We are having our typical "do nothing Sunday", but I did run across a problem when I looked in my fabric cabinet and found that one of my bottles of distilled water was EMPTY (Yes,it was a new bottle). Needless to say I had a bunch of molded fabric and a mess on the bottom of the cabinet. I had to unload the entire cabinet (Yes it was FULL of material) to check the flooring behind and under the cabinet. Everything looked okay, but I am guessing it had to have leaked some onto the flooring. We had to "un-earthquake" the cabinet to be able to move it - what a pain in the butt.

Ahhhhhh well back to do nothing Sunday - all the fabric can wait until tomorrow. I do think this is a good opportunity to do some rearranging and thinning out of stuff I have in my sewing room. Less really is better sometimes! I have so much stuff that it is hard to make a decision as to what I am going to sew next. I have so much material I have a hard time deciding what to use. This will be a great opportunity to get rid of anything that is not 100% cotton AND something that I think I will actually use in the NEAR future.

Later . . .

Now playing: Rob Thomas - Her Diamonds
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Denise Ellison said...

How terrible! I hope everything is okay with your fabric.