Saturday afternoon we went over to Kathy and Paul's to go with them to the bicycle shop (Paul bought a new mountain bike and Max wanted to get a new seat for her bike). One of their neighbors was having a garage sale and I spotted the above table. The table I have been using for sewing is too high and has that ripple type plastic top. When I saw the table I could see the image in my mind of my sewing machine, lamp and computer all sitting on the table. The desk even has a drawer, which will come in handy. When Max finishes school we are planning to do some remodel in the sewing room, but for the time being I think this will work well. I have yet to try to sew and that will be the test.

I have been wanting to try to change the dining room around and utilize more space - so we moved the hutch to the other wall and then were able to move the table further out into the room. We removed the leaf and still have plenty of dining space. The most important part is the chairs can all be moved out with ease and it is easier to move around the table and especially out the sliding glass door. We will not have to deal with someone moving their chain onto the vent (and that will be great). We have to do something with the blank wall that is left and will have to wait for Duane to get us another picture to go with the two we already have (that means I need something from you Duane).

We had to make a Lowes trip and I ended up with a new bird feeder. I have been wanting to put one in the yard and see how it works out. I am hoping the birds will come and Darci will not chase them away! They also had a whole batch of Ott lights and Max bought me a really nice one for my sewing room table. The light it puts out is amazing and I really like it alot. I am anxious to put some organizing in my sewing room. I was reading my "Dream Sewing Spaces" book and got a few good ideas to make things a bit easier for me.
Anyway, it was a good weekend. Tomorrow I have my first appointment with the oncology radioligist to set up my upcoming treatments. I am not looking forward to it, but I also want to get it behind me.
Later . . .
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