Thursday, April 10, 2008

Nothing new

Any new sewing project was replaced by pulling weeds in the back yard and trying to do some re-organizing of things in my sewing room (not to mention playing some video games). Yesterday was a complete outside the house running errands day (I stack everything up so I don't have to go out of the house into the "real" world very often). I am looking forward to my quilting class tonight and have decided to find some material and put together a second quilt. I can learn what I need to do at school and then practice it again by doing it a second time (I think that will help me to remember what it was I learned).

There was a big meeting for Max's work group and things look a bit brighter for the possibility of her keeping her job. It is still a waiting game, but her division leader went to the "head" guy and mentioned they have a lot of time and money invested in her and she is an excellent employee which she would hate to loose. The big boss also mentioned that when it comes to "flex term" and career employees that the decision will be made on skills and ability and not seniority. That makes it look really good for Max because she has her BS degree (which the Lab paid for) and she also is a good worker. She feels better and not quite as stressed now about the whole job loss thing.

Later . . .

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