Wednesday, April 02, 2008


We had a really GREAT relaxing weekend even though we got off to a late start. Friday morning turned out to be the day that many of the places Max had applied for jobs decided to get back with her and ask for more information. After she took care of that business, we headed out with the changed plan of getting some fishing in the AM to perhaps throwing some lines in the PM. The whole fishing idea pretty much went out the window when we discovered ALL the lakes we had planned on fishing at were FROZEN! It was amazing to see big lakes frozen solid and covered with snow. I guess one of the draw-backs of living in the Bay area is that one tends to forget that actual WEATHER is occurring all around us. Nonetheless, we had a great weekend and checked out some lakes at lower elevations (did not actually do any fishing). We did manage to accomplish the objective of the weekend, which was relaxation and not thinking or worrying about jobs or money. We did some gambling, had some nice meals, watched some TV and checked out some of the local stores and area. We love the Resort and and it was really nice to just get away. Max took a few pictures (which I believe are still in her camera) and I did not even bring my camera.

This week is back to the grind of Max sending out resumes and looking for jobs. Things are progressing and she is getting responses - so it is just kind of one day at a time right now. I start my beginning quilting class this coming Thursday and I am having a really hard time picking out material. I vowed that I would have it done by the end of today and selection is not moving rapidly. We will have Michael staying with us over the weekend while Kathy and Paul are off to Reno (I think). It is always fun to have Michael cause we have movies and pizza and I think Max is going to do another photo shoot with him (and maybe me).

Later . . .

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