Sunday, July 23, 2006

Counting the days

I know I have not done an entry in a while, but I am ready to admit it is official – I am addicted to my PS2! Actually I have been playing my video game a lot lately, but I think it is helping to keep my mind off the pain and itching I am experiencing from the radiation (It also keeps me awake). I like to keep things on a positive note, but that has become increasing difficult. The good news is I am down to 7 days left of treatment. The bad news is the radiation burn is so painful at times I cannot stop myself from giving in to the tears. The irritation and itching makes me want to scream, but what I manage to do is tighten up my muscles and grimace. It also does not help that we are having 115 degree temperatures around here! In the heat of the day it is difficult to breathe (needless to say Debby thinks the weather is grand).

So what can I say? Having cancer sucks! Cancer treatment sucks! But on the up side, I am VERY glad it was caught early enough to make surgery and radiation treatments a viable option. I am just ready for the treatments to be done.

Later . . .


Anonymous said...

Donna; I had no idea therapy involved so much pain, I heard it made you sick but that is as far as it goes. Prayers to you.
Pat (Denise's Mom)

Donna Rae said...

Thanks for the prayers! It is the radiation burn on my skin - ouch!

Brad said...

Donna, it is sobering to hear how painful the radiation has been, thank you for letting the rest of us know a little about it. Prayers are still with you as you preservere. God bless you.