Today turned out to be a very successful day. I finished my quilt and I did a pretty good job on it. I learned how to do corners, which turned out really well. I am very pleased with the finished product and I totally love the fabric and the backing.

After the fact, I learned a couple some sewing basics that would have made things easier, but progress not perfection. I just have not sewed enough to know all the ins and outs of my machine and how to measure and place my stuff to get a consistent straight stitch. I did my first placemat and it turned out great.

I was soooooo pleased with myself! Joy says I am doing an excellent job for a beginner (that is what big sisters are supposed to say). Joy and I spent all day at our sewing machines. She is about to finish my bathrobe, but I want to do some embroidery on the pockets before she sews them on. We got out the serger and I learned how to do a rolled

hem. Now I can make my own placements and matching napkins. Tomorrow is the day we go to Joy’s sewing class and we are going to make some fleece scarves that I plan on doing some embroidery on and sending to Ireland. The whole week has been very productive, but I have been somewhat of a slave driver – let’s get to the sewing room and TEACH me. Watch out world – a sewer has been born.
The week is going by quickly, but it certainly has been productive and FUN!
Later . . .
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