Saturday, January 27, 2007

Michael's Raise

Last night Michael took the family out to dinner at the Olive Garden to celebrate having worked for WalMart for one year and he got his first raise in pay. He also now gets vacation and sick leave and he was VERY excited about that. Micahel, Paul, Kathy, Debby, Max and I all went to dinner and then went to Loard's for dessert (hot fudege sundaes except for Michael who only eats vanilla ice cream).

Debby went home because she had to work the next day, but the others came back to our house to check out the progress of the addition. Pictures don't really tell the picture and I wish everyone could see the progression in person. They have all the framing done, including Max's closet. The only thing left is to take out the old door that opened into our old bedroom. These are pictures of the hallway and the doorway into the addition and Max's closet. The roofer came out yesterday and layed paper on the roof because there was a chance of rain. They moved everything inside (tools and insulation) and got everything pretty water tight (it did rain last night). The stucco guy showed up today and dropped off material as they will start that process on Monday. The electricians will probably finish with the electric on Monday and then they can actually insulate and sheet rock. The whole process is really going quickly. I am actually getting very excited about the final results!

Later . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please tell micheal mam and I said congratulations thats fantastic news for him.........he will love heving all the benefits im sure!!!!