The stucco guys showed up this AM and wanted to paper and wire the house for stucco. Go figure they would want to work on Sunday, but what the heck it gets us closer to the end goal. The stove guy was suppose to come and cut the hole for the stove pipe, but that was cancelled until tomorrow afternoon. I can't remember if I mentioned we found someone to repair the hall carpet, so we are going to go ahead and order our carpet and pick up the flooring probably tomorrow. The roofer mentioned he is going to have a hard time matching the gutters, so I will do some shopping tomorrow to get some estimates for just replacing them for the entire house.
Max took me out to dinner to San Leandro's Horatios (one of my favorite places to eat). We had a wonderful meal and MUCH THANKS goes out to Jessie and Adrienne who paid for it! They make the best key lime pie - yum! We then stopped at Best Buy on the way home and picked up a DVD recorder with VCR. I have been wanting one of those for a long time and this will allow us to get rid of three components hooked up to the receiver. We also shopped for receivers and speakers. They had a really nice one on sale for $900, but we are going to do a bit of shopping. I want a receiver in my sewing room to go with the surround sound speakers that are already there and we need speakers for the new addition.

Kodi finally found a spot where he can get his back up against something and be comfortable - there may he hope for his peace of mind and sanity during this construction.
Later . . .
That is just amazing how quickly that is coming along!
Happy Birthday
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