Well good news concerning Kodi, he seems to just have an injury to his shoulder and the anti-inflammatory medication seems to be doing the trick. The only problem is to get him to eat and then not throw up his medication. He has only done that once - so that is looking good. Time will be the answer with the anti-biotic medication and his toes/feet.
We had an appointment with our tax accountant on Friday and that was a bit depressing - I knew it was coming, but did not want to deal with it. The final numbers are not in, but it will involve sending money out and not getting any coming in (unless we can qualify for Bush's refund).

Max had a photo shoot with her photography class on Saturday morning. They went to a local park and hiked about taking shots of whatever was available. She got some great shots of some "tiny" mushrooms. The above mushroom was about 1.5 inches. Her 100mm marco lens does some amazing things. She had fun with her class even though she had to get up at 5:00 AM on a Saturday to do the shoot. Of course they wanted to get out there in the good light. Saturday afternoon we went with Paul, Kathy and Michael to REI in Fremont (Michael was looking for a particular bag that he had seen) and then the Red Lobster for dinner. Max and I had not been to a Red Lobster since we have been together. It was really good and we had a fun evening. Sunday was a do nothing day and I mostly played the Wii and the PS2.
The other event for Sunday is that the wind was blowing and unfortunately it made the shattered window crumble! That was a PAIN because we had to deal with all the little pieces of glass and we were out there vacuuming the grass so the dogs would not end up with glass slivers in their paws. The window was replaced this afternoon and it sure would have been nice if it would have lasted until the window repair people showed up. Ahhhhhh well, we have a new window now and the glass mess is gone.
Later . . .
We had an appointment with our tax accountant on Friday and that was a bit depressing - I knew it was coming, but did not want to deal with it. The final numbers are not in, but it will involve sending money out and not getting any coming in (unless we can qualify for Bush's refund).
The other event for Sunday is that the wind was blowing and unfortunately it made the shattered window crumble! That was a PAIN because we had to deal with all the little pieces of glass and we were out there vacuuming the grass so the dogs would not end up with glass slivers in their paws. The window was replaced this afternoon and it sure would have been nice if it would have lasted until the window repair people showed up. Ahhhhhh well, we have a new window now and the glass mess is gone.
Later . . .
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