Monday, March 17, 2008

The Weekend

The "craft day" went really well. Paul and Max tied flies, Kathy did beading, Debby brought a friend who did some snowflakes with me while Debby played with her computer and Mom and Warren did snowflakes. Everyone had a great time and then we had dinner and dessert. Max's Mom and I continued to make snowflakes after dinner while Max played on her computer. Mom and I continued with the snowflakes on Sunday while Max made us chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. We have not completed the snowflakes because we did not like the way they worked with the cork that was called for in the original instructions. We are going to switch to round wooden balls - hopefully. Each snowflake requires 10 pins and there are a lot of beads and a lot of work that goes into each one and we want something that will hold up and last. Below is a picture of the pieces for a blue snowflake (for Max) and a pink snowflake (for me) that are not put together yet. Max's Mom and I continued to make snowflakes after breakfast on Sunday while Max played on her computer. They really turned out beautiful and I am just hoping they will be as beautiful once they are put together - nonetheless, they were really fun to make and I finally got to use some of my bead stash!

Later . . .

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