OMGoodness - what a trying weekend. I decided to do some embroidery on another jacket and had tons of trouble with my bobbin. I am at the end of my PS2 Max Payne game and I CANNOT kill Vlad! I have tried the wood balls and the glue and MANY other options for my snowflakes and kept coming up stumped. I ended up fixing the embroidery and finding some styrofoam balls to use for the snowflakes, but still CANNOT kill Vlad! I switched to the Wii and played Zelda instead. Oh I forgot to mention that I am doing some knitting and the end fell off my needle and all my stitches fell off! I managed to salvage that along with everything else. I was beginning to think that everything I touched would turn to disaster.
Paul turned my on to some hobby glue that is compatible with styrofoam (the other glue I tried to use melted the foam) and Elmer's glue worked, but I think this other will be better. Unfortunately, Max and I went to the hobby shop (she had the day off) and they were closed. Nonetheless, I do feel like I have figured out how to put the snowflakes together so I am happy about that. Also I will not have to paint the styrofoam because it is already white and fits right in with the snowflake theme.
Later . . .
Later . . .
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