It was with the deepest sadness that on June 13th we had to let Kodi go. He was getting progressively worse and after extensive testing the option that remained was that he had a brain tumor. Max, Darci and I gave Kodi a farewell pizza and ice cream party; which he enjoyed with great pleasure and enthusiasm. I made the decision on the 10th and had some great time with him before he left. I cried my heart out most of the week (and am still having a difficult time) but I knew it was the right thing to do - he was miserable and in pain. His ashes will be spread in the hills of Napa Valley, which is the resting place for many other canine pals. He was the greatest dog and will be missed terribly by everyone who knew and loved him.
Hey GF, we just spoke, but I wanted to tell you again how sorry I am about Kodi. I absolutely love the fact you got to spend some quality 'party' time with him.
BTW I think the Wild Woman quilt is awesome! You are very talented. I am glad you have the time now to put that talent to good use. : ) Love U. Wanda
Hi Donna
I am so sorry about Kodi. he was a wonderful dog and I know you will miss him a lot. love ady
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