Thursday, March 30, 2006

Another Day

I thought about taking some pictures to post of a before and after of the back yard and garden – you know, how bad it looked before we got it all cleaned up. Unfortunately, the now is only in the “talking about” stage. I know I am coping out, but at least I am not getting myself committed to completing the entire project. It will get done, but the question is when! Max has homework and a midterm this weekend, but our plans are to work in the yard. We really need to be planting the garden!

As if I don’t have enough on my plate, I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow to discuss the future for my knee. One nice thing about the scheduled appointment is I have to go to Pleasanton and I can get my blood work and EKG (for the breast surgery) done at the same time. I made the appointment with the orthopedic surgeon when I got my last cortisone shot (before I went to Ireland and before I had my biopsy). I had made up my mind that I was way too tired of the limitations my knee was placing on my life – Ha! Bring it on . . . this could be my year.

I finally cleaned house today and am getting back into somewhat of a normal schedule; although, I have been spending a substantial amount of time loosing myself in my video games. I have also been working on my computer to get my pictures backed up (thanks, Duane). I have not even loaded all my pictures back on my new computer OR all my drawings and card information. I need to get back to drawing because it is a really good meditative experience for me. My drawing gives me an opportunity to express my emotions – love, gratitude, sadness, anxiety, fear, anger, serenity, joy, peace and hope! And at this particular time in my life I happen to be running many emotions at the same time.

Max and I are actually celebrating 6 years of being together on April 1st (could have been a joke, but NOT). Our Domestic Partnership certificate is October 28th AND yes, we do celebrate twice! We are going someplace nice for dinner, but Max is choosing the restaurant that will be a surprise for me and new for both of us.

Later . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the yard I could almost lose a kid in ours. And congrats on your anniversary.