Monday, March 20, 2006


I certainly seem to be having a hard time getting back in the grove with my blog. I think my schedule, not to mention my thinking, has been severely damaged by my cold/flu and surgery. Addressing the cold/flu business – I think I have about recovered from that illness. I am still trying to chase down the reason for this cough, which I have been battling for many months before I became sick in Ireland. I had a doctor’s appointment today concerning that very issue, which frustrated the crap out of me. Doctors are certainly not among my favorite people these days.

Maybe I should deal with my surgery and get that out of the way. I mentioned the first part of the dual procedure went well and the second part was a bit of a nightmare. First off when I was on the table the nurse put a “grounding thingy” on my leg. I did not bother to ask the reason for this and am not completely certain as to the reason now. The only thing that would have been nice if the nurse would have checked the positioning of my arms BEORE the surgeon started working on me. What I do know is while I was lying on the table my doctor mentioned she would have to cauterize some small blood vessels as she proceeded with the surgery. As she cauterized I would receive a hell of an electrical shock on my arm. After about three times of being shocked and flinching, she asked if I was all right. I told her I was fine, but I was moving my left arm because I was getting the hell shocked out of it. I moved my arm above my head and she asked the nurse if my arm was touching the metal – which it was. I guess the whole grounding thing for my leg had something to do with whatever she was using to cauterize the blood vessels. To make a long story short – because I was getting local anesthesia there were numerous times that I COMPLETELY felt what she was doing. There I was on my back with tears running into my eyes praying to let it be over! I suppose there is no way to deal with issues like that when you are under a local, but somehow I still think they should just shoot you full of whatever they are using to numb you so that there is NO chance that you will end up jumping off the table in pain. Even when it was not actually painful I could feel what was happening and smell the cauterizations. Not a fun time and I NEVER want to have any kind of surgery that does not entail being completely OUT!
So that covers the actual procedure. I will call on Friday to see if they have any results.

I finally put the pictures I took while in Ireland on my computer today. And I will post some pictures connected with my trip in the next few days. Tomorrow I will expand on the nightmare at LAX. I swear I will never fly into LAX again.

Later . . .

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