I spent the entire day yesterday working on getting computers changed and set up. Once that was accomplished, I had to tackle the business of learning how to actually use my new Mac. Change is difficult, but with a bit of a struggle and some help from Duane (Pimp Mac Daddy) I am at least on my way. Interestingly, my new monster of a computer would not actually fit under the hutch for my desk. Max had to cut some blocks of wood to raise it up so I could push the thing back. I still have to work on all the electrical plug ins and where I am going to put the surge protector. I am a bit limited with access, but I think I can get all the computer stuff run down through the hole in the top of the desk - at least I hope so.
Last night Max, Kathy, Paul, Michael and I ventured off to the Alameda County Fair. We had a great time and spent WAY too much money - but we got some really cool stuff. The Weight Watchers girls decided "points be damned" and had funnel cake, chocolate covered frozen cheese cake, garlic and blue cheese fries and I splurged on a dipped in chocolate cone! I might mention that on Tuesday at the WW meeting I got a fridge magnet that says: " I did it! Lost 25 pounds." I have officially lost 26.4 pounds! (Probably gained a couple back last night). Max took her camera, but all the pictures are on her computer - I will try to get some posted tonight.
I have not sewn on my quilt and I think that is where my focus will be today - after I do a couple of things I want to do with the computers. The quilt is progressing nicely and I am looking forward to finishing it.
Later . . .