Today was a MUCH better day. Max was able to get some sleep last night and is making a good recovery. It is amazing what medication that actually works can do. She is convinced she will be up and around tomorrow (which is probably true, but taking it easy). She is looking forward to doing some tying of flies. Kathy and Paul are bringing dinner over tomorrow night and Max and Paul plan to work on flies for our Idaho trip. I am hopeful that I will get busy on my sewing room tomorrow and get it up and running.
I found a new web site for embroidery designs and they really have some beautiful designs at reasonable prices. I want to at least download one to check it out and see how they look (of course pictures to come).
Later . . .
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Max had her procedure
Max had her procedure today and I am very glad I did not have my knee surgery yesterday. I did not have any doubts about the pain factor involved with having one’s uterus filled with 194 degree water; however, the doctors seemed to think it was not a big deal. They sent Max home with vicodin and ibuprofen AND some serious PAIN! That combination proved not to win the battle with the pain she was feeling. I know you are not suppose to share medications, but thankfully I had some medication left over from my breast surgery that allowed her to actually bring down the pain level – not enough, but at least it became bearable. With better medication she will be able to get some sleep and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
Later . . .
Later . . .
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sorting through the chaos

Later . . .
Knee surgery cancelled
Since I basically sniveled most of the weekend about having ANOTHER surgery, I guess "someone" up above decided to give me a break. I received a call from my doctor’s scheduling nurse this morning to tell me my doctor was very ill and had to postpone my surgery. Since I was trying to get this done with enough time to be recovered for our trip to Idaho, I am now scheduled for knee surgery on October 12th. I actually think it was a relief to have it cancelled. I will not have to worry about doing something wrong while on vacation to mess up the surgery and interfere with my recovery. At least if I do something to mess it up I will be coming home to surgery and have it fixed. I am beginning to get some energy back and it will be nice to be able to do some things before I am down again.
Later . . .
Later . . .
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Embroidery on T-shirts

Later . . .
Monday, August 21, 2006
Return of the Grandkids

It was great to get to go with Duane to the kids school to check out their teachers and classrooms (Denise's back was hurting and Gene stayed home with her). I had never actually seen the school or where it was located (very large layout and a long way for Devin to walk to his class).
Watching Deanna celebrate her 1st birthday was a real pleasure. She is so adorable and was covered with cake and frosting. She seemed to get the paper tearing idea with with the presents, but the whole thing was a bit overwhelming for her.
It was hard to leave the kids (as well as Duane and Denise) behind, but we had to make the trip home early on Sunday. I have doctors appointments during the week getting ready for my knee surgery on the 29th.

Later . . .
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Movie and Micky D's
We spent a nice quiet day at home yesterday until Max came home with Michael and we headed off to Dublin to see Barnyard. Of course we all munched on popcorn and enjoyed the movie. Michael treated us all to McDonald's and that capped off a good evening.
I stopped by Best Buy when we were done with the movie and picked up an Epson printer that I had purchased online. I decided that I wanted a separate printer for my notebook in my sewing room. It tended to be a hassle networking the printers because half the time my PC is asleep. I think it will work out much better once I find WHERE to put it.
Later . . .
I stopped by Best Buy when we were done with the movie and picked up an Epson printer that I had purchased online. I decided that I wanted a separate printer for my notebook in my sewing room. It tended to be a hassle networking the printers because half the time my PC is asleep. I think it will work out much better once I find WHERE to put it.
Later . . .
The Deanna Project

Max treated us to BLT's for dinner and then we played some video game and Deving did EXCELLENT on a major fight. He won the fight all by himself with just a little friendly advice. Desirae a couple of times, but it was just over her head. I was impressed because it is my game and I usually have to have Max win the battle for me (which she actually did). Paul and Michael dropped by so Max and Paul could do some fly fishing talk. We had desert and headed to bed.
Hard to believe the time is almost here to take the kids back. I must admit I am fatigued, but we LOVE having them around.
Later . . .
Monday, August 14, 2006
Kodi's Turn

Somehow we have to find a time to shop for Deanna's BD.
Later . . .
Another day

Darci has started being very cute with Desirae. We were all up this morning and Desirae was still in bed and Darci went in and woke her up. Darci is very much "my" dog, but she is having a hard time now that she thinks she needs to take care of Desirae too. When Desirae went outside in the pools Darci had to lay at the back door so she could watch me and Desirae at the same time (she actually sleeps, but she is near by nonetheless).
Once Desirae was out of the tub and Devin's movie was over, they changed places. Devin went into the bath and Desirae watched Toy Story. Max had a doctor's appointment this afternoon and was able to come home early and help with the child bathing, which made me very happy.
We are going to Mountain Mike's for a pizza party for Michael's 23rd birthday this evening so there will be no cooking in this place this evening (woohoo).
Later . . .
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I guess size is NOT important

I was very pleased this morning when several of the birds decided to go ahead and use the bird bath for a bath instead of just drinking the water. All it took was one bird to bathe and others decided to imitate. The dove even went in for a little water splashing. Unfortunately, we could not get any good pictures because as soon as you open the door they fly away and we don't have any cameras with a significant zoom to get a good shot (guess I need to add a Nikon along with the Mac Duane is CONSTANTLY telling me I need). I think it is very fun to watch the birds bathe and the kids got a chance to see it from the kitchen window.
I had some other pictures to add to the blog, but I put my PC to sleep and cannot access my shared docs. I will try to post them tomorrow (I will make a CD for Mommy and Daddy of all the pictures we have taken). The day ended well with Devin and Nana being the exhausted ones.
Later . . .
Saturday, August 12, 2006
End of the day

Later . . .
Lathered up and ready to go

Hopefully next week we will find the time AND energy for another movie and some fishing. If the weather stays nice the fishing will be possible after Max comes home from work. We will also have to venture out to be prepared with presents for Deanna's birthday.
Later . . .
Friday, August 11, 2006
Not much new to report
Unfortunately I did not get any pictures yesterday. The house cleaner was here and we spent time moving from room to room to give her space. We seemed to having a gathering in Desirae's room (aka my sewing room). Thank goodness I had moved the air mattress on to the king size bed because it was a bit crowded with Desirae, Devin, Kodi, Darci and me! We are definitely "packing".
I do believe the dogs are beginning to be very glad the kids are here. They both wait patiently at the dinner table for anything that happens to hit the floor and to thoroughly inspect the chairs when the kids are done. I am sure that Kodi has figured out the kids are the reason he is getting some "people" food added to his dog food, because we have more left overs. With the kids we are never sure what they are going to love (and eat a ton of) or hate (and take one bite). I am sure they will be disappointed when the kids are gone and so is the food.
I think Max is going to go in search of a larger pool when she gets off work today. We are hoping that WalMart will still have the larger ones (they come with a built in slide so we did not buy one for Kodi).
Unfortunately my fatigue factor is catching up with me and I am running out of energy, but hopefully Max can pick up the slack over the weekend and I should be ready to go again on Monday. My skin is peeling and becoming a bit tender again with the new fresh pink skin, but all in all I am hanging in there and doing well.
Later . . .
I do believe the dogs are beginning to be very glad the kids are here. They both wait patiently at the dinner table for anything that happens to hit the floor and to thoroughly inspect the chairs when the kids are done. I am sure that Kodi has figured out the kids are the reason he is getting some "people" food added to his dog food, because we have more left overs. With the kids we are never sure what they are going to love (and eat a ton of) or hate (and take one bite). I am sure they will be disappointed when the kids are gone and so is the food.
I think Max is going to go in search of a larger pool when she gets off work today. We are hoping that WalMart will still have the larger ones (they come with a built in slide so we did not buy one for Kodi).
Unfortunately my fatigue factor is catching up with me and I am running out of energy, but hopefully Max can pick up the slack over the weekend and I should be ready to go again on Monday. My skin is peeling and becoming a bit tender again with the new fresh pink skin, but all in all I am hanging in there and doing well.
Later . . .
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Movie Afternoon
Devin was a happy camper today because he did not have to worry about what he was eating or being careful to not touch teeth. It came in especially handy when we went to the movies this afternoon and he ate BUNCHES of popcorn. We packed in water and bought the big bucket to share (I took small paper bowls so everyone could have their own). Between the four of us we polished off two buckets! We saw The Ant Bully, which was actually very cute, well done and certainly carried a good message.
Later . . .
Later . . .
Finally . . .

Devin was very excited about loosing the tooth and was already planning on having a bagel for breakfast the next day.
Later . . .
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Smooth lazy day

Devin's smile should be looking better real soon. He had frosted mini wheats for breakfast and somehow managed to hit his loose tooth on his bottom teeth and that tooth is SO ready to come out. The rest of the day he decided to do "soft" food to prevent any more mishaps. He did eat some meat for dinner, but we cut it in very small little pieces.

Later . . .
Monday, August 07, 2006
New Magnifying Lamp

The kids are outside expending some energy

Tried unsuccessfully to connect with Duane for his birthday, but did leave a Birthday song on his voicemail. Ummm did connect with Duane and he was able to chat with the kids a bit. They were settled in their camp area and getting ready to go to dinner.
Later . . .
One tooth less

Had to check with the "Tooth Fairy" liason to ascertain the going rate for teeth under a pillow (inflation and all). We decided the Tooth Fairy goes wherever the tooth is placed under a pillow. He could save it and take it home or he could put it under his pillow here and she would find it.
Now we have to work on the other one.

Desirae let me braid her hair because she was getting so tangled with getting it wet and having a bit of wind blowing. She liked it, but with Desirae nothing lasts very long; especially when it comes to getting her hair out of her face.
Later . . .
Back Yard Work

We had an abundance of carrots and Devin and Desirae were good little carrot pullers. After Max cut the tops off we had to clean them and that turned into a group project. We had carrots for dinner and they

Devin and Desirae helped pull seeds for the Marigolds so hopefully I will be able to plant the seeds next year and not have to go buy plants.
After the yard work, playing in the pools was the

We are having a good time.
Later . . .
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Let the vacations begin
We now have possession of the Grandchildren (Denise arrived safe and sound Thursday afternoon), but I have not had an opportunity to do a blog entry because by the time I have the time to do one both the kids are in bed and my PC has been in Devin’s bedroom and my notebook in Desirae’s bedroom. I retrieved my notebook and have networked with my PC so I can get the pictures I loaded on my PC and hopefully I will be able to keep up with things.
It was great to get to see Denise and Deanna (boy has she grown since the last time we saw her (that would be in reference to Deanna because Denise is shrinking). Hard to believe that a year has gone by since she was born (ah, right, time flies when you’re having fun). Deanna is just fascinated by both the dogs.
I am very pleased to inform everyone that the healing of my radiation burn is happening much quicker than I expected. I know the doctor mentioned I was taking very good care of my skin, so that probably helps. The skin is peeling, but the blisters are not so painful. I still get tired easily and quickly, but the kids are giving me rest time (perhaps a little reluctantly, but bribes with video games and movies seem to work wonders).
I will try to keep pictures posted (for the family to be able to see the kids) and let Mommy and Daddy know they are safe and sound. I
have the feeling this week will not be very exciting, but I must say Devin and Desirae both love playing in the backyard in “little” swimming pools. They love to play in the water and that keeps them occupied for a couple of hours a day. The weather has been beautiful – not too hot, but hot enough for the kids to play in the water.
Later . . .

I am very pleased to inform everyone that the healing of my radiation burn is happening much quicker than I expected. I know the doctor mentioned I was taking very good care of my skin, so that probably helps. The skin is peeling, but the blisters are not so painful. I still get tired easily and quickly, but the kids are giving me rest time (perhaps a little reluctantly, but bribes with video games and movies seem to work wonders).

Later . . .
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The "Kodi tail" fly

Later . . .
Woohoo – let the healing begin! I am finished with my radiation treatments and I already feel better.
It was very cute; I was given a “Graduation Bear” and a big hug from the nurse yesterday and sent on my way. The people were all very nice and the doctor was very kind; however, I told them all I preferred to NEVER see them again. My doctor’s response was, “Well how about in the bookstore or coffee shop?” That I could handle. Max took me out to the Black Angus for dinner to celebrate the completion – what a weight off my shoulders to not have to deal with the traffic everyday to drive in for treatment.
Later . . .

Later . . .
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