Monday, August 07, 2006

One tooth less

Devin arrived with two VERY loose teeth. He did not want either of them pulled and both the new teeth were coming in behind the baby teeth. He was working so hard to not bother the upper front tooth, that a chewy bagel took care of the lower one. He was totally shocked when the tooth came out - he bite into something hard and took it out of his mouth (glad he did not swallow it).

Had to check with the "Tooth Fairy" liason to ascertain the going rate for teeth under a pillow (inflation and all). We decided the Tooth Fairy goes wherever the tooth is placed under a pillow. He could save it and take it home or he could put it under his pillow here and she would find it.
Now we have to work on the other one.

Desirae let me braid her hair because she was getting so tangled with getting it wet and having a bit of wind blowing. She liked it, but with Desirae nothing lasts very long; especially when it comes to getting her hair out of her face.

Later . . .

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