Well thank goodness I received THE phone call for my table. I am expecting delivery tomorrow between 8 and Noon. I must say I am really excited about getting the table and seeing how it is going to fit and just how cool it is going to be to sew on it.

I did manage to do some sewing today on some blankets that Joy and I had done when I was at her house. I will be sending hugs and kisses to the grandkids in their own personalized fleece throws. They are warm, cozy, a nice size and hopefully they will think of me when they are wrapped up in them. Too bad they will not have them for their camping trip coming up this weekend.
I want to make them quilts in the near future - but one thing at a time. I have so many projects that I want to tackle, but one day at a time.
I will post pictures tomorrow after I have my table. Max and I know that we will probably have a bunch of little things to do this weekend to whip the finishing touches on my sewing room. It has been a long time coming, but I truly am really excited!
Later . . .
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