Saturday, January 14, 2006

Slow Saturday

Today turned into a real rain storm, but we managed to drag our behinds out of bed and headed down to Santa Clara with Debby to watch Michael play floor hockey.  The Special Olympics Winter Games are officially underway and what a kick to see so many participants.  Unfortunately, Michael’s team did not win their first game and we were not able to stick around for their second game in the afternoon.  They did win their afternoon game and will play again tomorrow.  They have the possibility of further advancement if they win tomorrow.

We drove home in the pouring rain and did our best to convince Debby that a stop at Fry’s was in order.  Since it was pouring and the parking lot was packed, we decided to come home and do some online shopping to bring Debby into the here and now (she does not own a computer).  Between Max and me we have her way well on her way to becoming as addicted to computers as the rest of us.  (Sorry Duane, she will be heading down the path of darkness).

I still do not have my computers networking, but I did manage to get my Outlook working and now have my calendar and contacts loaded on my iPod.  I am in the process of adding additional software to be able to do more things with my iPod (thanks, Kathy).  I don’t suppose there will ever be an end to the electronic nonsense that I have to keep continually learning – but, wait, if I stop buying new toys or having new toys given to me of an electronic nature then I could be finished.  Oh, but what a concept that would be!

Max, the dogs and I are spending a quiet evening in front of the fireplace catching up on all the shows we have on Tivo (now that is one electronic device I could not see living without).  Tomorrow we have three movies we plan to watch – Mr. & Mrs. Smith, War of the Worlds and The Interpreter (Yes, Netflix is a blessing).

I am sure the computer saga will pick up again the beginning of the week, but for now I am taking a break and leaving well enough alone.

Later . . .

1 comment:

Donna Rae said...

Duane tried to buy me Tivo as a gift and I did not want it - once you have it you don't know how you lived without it. Cultural differences - get some perks and loose out on others.