Sunday, December 31, 2006
Catching up
Max came down with the flu the evening I came home from the hospital. She has been a real trooper taking care of me. I had a flu shot so I did not get the horrible flu that she suffered. I had a couple of days that I had to kept a plastic bucket at my side because I was not moving fast enough to make it to the bathroom. I was sick, but not anything compared to what she has gone through.
I am walking really well right now and the main problem I am having is some muscle cramping in the calve. I fell really positive about the outcome.
We are having Max's family over tonight for New Year's dinner and I am planning on starting the new year in fine form!
I know I need to post some Christmas pictures and they will be forth coming (I hope).
Later . . .
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Ready for surgery
With this surgery behind me I am counting on having a successful and productive 2007!
Later . . .
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Early Christmas Cal City
We made the drive down to Cal City to celebrate Christmas with Duane and family. It certainly is times like this that we would love to live closer. Not only are we not able to be there for Christmas, but we also miss out on the Christmas programs and just the general fun things that go on this time of the year.
We had a great time and the kids seemed to be pleased with their gifts. Can hardly tell that Desirae was pleased with her new Care Bear. Devin was pleased with his Sponge Bob lego set, but we made the mistake of buying Devin an XBox 360 game; which he could not
play on their XBox. To solve that problem we loaded up the van and headed to Palmdale to get him something he could actually play. We ended up going to the Red Lobster for dinner (missed Denise's planned ham, sweet potatoes and killer dessert). We then headed to Best Buy where Devin picked out a new game. Devin actually fell asleep on the way home - so the game had to wait until Sunday morning.
The kids gave us really cool Raiders hats, which we plan to wear to Max's mom's where everyone else is 49er fans! Not only are they cool, but they are really warm too.
We made the long drive home Sunday afternoon, but it was completely worth the trip. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The "Bobs" aka "ants" arrived

Max has been "not so patiently" waiting for the arrival of the occupants for her ant farm. She finally had to get on the phone to "Uncle Mitch" and bug him to get the ants in the mail. She had decided that she was going to name all the ants Bob (this way she will not get them mixed up - as if you could tell the difference between ants). Now she can just say, "Look at Bob work". They are pretty busy little things. They arrived with two of the Bobs dead. The other Bobs are cleaning up and trying to make a place to bury them. They are quite interesting to watch and I am looking forward to see what kind of a home they build.

We are heading off tomorrow after Max gets off work to have an "early Christmas" with the grandkids. We are really looking forward to seeing them and giving them their Christmas gifts! The weather is suppose to be horrid, but I did put new tires on the Xterra and had the front end aligned.
Later . . .
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Lake Tahoe weekend

We relaxed, shopped a little, ate some good food and did some gambling. Once again, I was successful at the crap tables and managed to come home with more money than I left with. We both were doing very well and were able to spend some fun time gambling and not have it cost us any money (now that is the way I like to gamble).
I still have not put up the "in" house decorations; but I have plans to get on that tomorrow. I had to take my Xterra in for a bouncing front end; therefore, I am without a car. Forces me to stay home and hopefully stay focused.
Later . . .
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Back to the sewing machine

We are off to Tahoe tomorrow for a LONG weekend - be back on Monday. Thank goodness we are leaving tomorrow because there is plenty of snow and wind expected in the Sierras starting on Friday and continuing through Saturday. We should be there and settled before any of the extreme weather decides to drop in for a visit.
I think I will take my notebook, so I might be able to do some posts while there (that depends on what else we are doing and if I get out of the casinos).
Later . . .
Monday, December 04, 2006

We had a couple of great adventures while on the island. We took a boat cruise out and around the Napali Coast, which was awesomely beautiful. This is a picture of the sunrise as we were leaving the dock in the morning.
We had the opportunity to see some humpback whales, dolphines and manarays. They were there as clear as could be, but the water was a bit rough and it was really had to get good pictures.
We did manage to capture a couple of good videos.
The shot on the right is a mamaray and of course the dolphines are on the left. We have spouts from the whales and a tail slapping the water, but they are so far away it is hard to see them.
We also took a tube ride down and through the irrigation ditches, which was total fun and very informative and interesting. That little adventure could not be taken without getting VERY wet, not to mention it poured rain on us at the beginning and end of the trip. We have a water camera that we have to take in for developing of pictures. With the movement of the water, we will be lucky to get any decent shots.
Kauai had massavies amouts of rain this year and they had 200 fully active water falls. We got some good pictures. I will try to post some pictures on ImageStation OR everyone just might have to come to visit to take a look at them!
Later . . .
Long time away
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Quiet Weekend
Later . . .
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Doctor's Appointment
No new lumps or bumps to be found, which is good news. I see him again in February and we will address all the same issues again. I will have new mammograms and blood work done before the visit.
Later . . .
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Still Embriodering

I received my replacement fabric mover over the weekend and I want to switch gears and play with that a little. As long as I get all the scarves completed that need to be shipped to Ireland, all is good.
I also want to get the opportunity to play around with the software I bought. I have enjoyed the ease of use once I got the hang of sizing and placing things - VERY nice.
I am off to get my teeth cleaned and perhaps do a little Thrift Store shopping since I will be over on the side of the hill with Thrift Town!
Later . . .
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Day of Plumbing
The best part of the day was that Kathy and Paul brought us dinner. They arrived with a beautiful salad, baked potatoes, green beans with almonds, garlic bread and Paul bar-b-qued some great filets topped with blue cheese. It was such a treat after a hard days work (Max's aching back and my paining joints) to be treated to such a wonderful meal. Max and Paul were planning on tying flies (which they are doing as I type).
Interestingly, Darci has not had any more accidents in the house. Her blood work came back normal and so did her urine with the exception of some blood. They are doing some more checks on the urine, but it could just be that she injured herself in that "big dog" play that her and Kodi do. I know they often end up limping or sore after a good romp in the backyard. I trimmed the hair on Kodi's feet and I hope his new shoes arrive soon. I will definately get a picture of that when it happens.
Later . . .
Friday, November 03, 2006

Well here is the "Big Dog" taking care of the "Big Dog". He absolutely hates anyone messing with his feet and this is a twice a day thing. I have to put the socks on him so he does not proceed to completely lick off all the medication I just applied. Not only does it then not work on clearing up his feet - it makes him sick! The fun never stops around here. I ordered him some booties that have velcro to keep them on (needless to say I had to order XX large, which is the largest size they make). The socks work as long as he is laying around, but when he gets up and goes outside they fall off.

My pictures uploaded very quickly this morning - maybe the answer is to post in the morning and not at night with every other person in the world.
Later . . .
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Horrible Day
Max and I ventured out to a "Craft Fair" tonight to get a look at what people are selling and what kind of prices they are asking. We have been considering making some stuff and giving it a try, but I am not sure that is the way I want to go. After the fair we went out for dinner, but stopped by a pet store first. Max found the "Giant Ant Farm" she has been wanting for ages. She had one as a kid and really enjoyed it and has been talking about getting another one - and there it was! After we took the grandkids to see "The Ant Bully" it has been on her mind.
I do not like to complain about how I have been feeling, but thought it might be appropriate to let people know just how fatigued, pained and depressed I am; which results in not doing a lot of communication or correspondence. i continually try to maintain a good attitude, but I am tired of being tired (I am ready for bed at 8:00 PM and sleep until 8:00 AM). I am getting my most pleasure these day from speding time in my sewing room.
Kodi and Darci have both been sick and that is not making things any easier for me. Darci has been having some urine problems with major accidents in the house. We are working on upwards of a $400 vet bill. Darci had blood and urine samples today and we will get the results tomorrow. Kodi has infected feet and is on antibotics and foot powder. Ahhhhh the joys of parenthood with no insurance!
Later . . .
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

We sold the Quads today. Guess it was a good deal because Max had people lined up to buy them. The first person who called and said he would buy them sight unseen drove off with them today. It was sad to see them go, but it is probably for the best. We can park both the cars in the driveway and the garage looks HUGE.
I had x-rays on my thumb and they came back showing some arthritis and a bone spur. I will try to maintain (NO video games and wearing a thumb brace) and see if the pain will let up. If not, I will probably get a cortisone shot in the joint and see if that will give me some relief. Don't mind saying it hurts like heck
Ahhhhhh, here is the other picture!
Later . . .

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Busy Embriodering
We had quite a few cute little (and not so little) creatures at our door. We turned off the porch light at 8:00 PM and called it a night.
Later . . .
Monday, October 30, 2006
Mr. Pink Pants

I worked a bit on my embriodery of Celtic designs on the fleece scarves. These are two that I completed today. I especially like the Celtic Heart. I am finding that I need to reduce the designs a bit in size to make them fit more pleasingly on the scarves. I guess I am doing a bit of experimentation on size and placement, but nonetheless I like what I am seeing (it helps to enlarge the photos to see the designs).

Later . . .
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Slow Weekend
I was very excited to give my new "fabric mover with stitch regulator" a spin. Alas, that was not to happen because it arrived broken. I tried to attach it to my machine, but it was obvious that it was not moving smoothly or correctly. Had to pack it up and send it back so they can send me a replacement. That was a big disappointment, but I did get some embriodery done. Not only did I purchase the fabric mover, but I also purchased the entire 3D Suite (which is no doubt going to take me MONTHS to figure out how to use all the gadgets and accessories). I did do a Celtic Sun on one of the scarves that I plan to send to Ireland for Christmas (turned out pretty nice). Getting set up and actually doing the embroidery takes quite some time, so I guess I better get busy if I want to have a bunch finished in time to ship to Ireland for Christmas. I have a variety of Celtic designs that I plan to use on the scarves.

Later . . .
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The Fly Store
After the fly shop we headed to Pasta Primavera for dinner. We all had excellent pasta and VERY good desserts. Now we are stuffed and ready for a hot tub and bed.
Later . . .
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Fun Weekend

Everyone had their turn at chasing her around (actually more like herding her).
On Sunday before we had to head home, Duane set up his Living Room Studio and we had great fun taking a bunch of pictues. We really got some great shots and it is nice to have good pictues of Max and I. Devin was not in the picture taking mode, but Duane got some great shots of Desirae and her Nana. Check Duane's blog for a sampling of some of the pictues (my favorite is me choking him)!
Monday morning I woke up with a head cold and I felt pretty miserable all day. Today is a better day and I have been messing with the new software I purchased for my sewing machine.
Later . . .
Monday, October 16, 2006
Busy . . .

We had a busy weekend and it went by so quickly. We are trying to get the Quads sold and both the batteries were completely dead. Paul came by and he and Max went in search of batteries - ended up at Kragen after hitting all the motorcyle and motocross stores in town. After they dealt with the batteries then turned to tying flies. I worked in my sewing room doing a shirt for Paul with the Moose and Clark Fork, Idaho and a Fly and "Bite Me". Kathy came over for dinner and she worked on Max's notebook while I folded material and Paul and Max continued to tie flies.

Later . . .
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Catching up
I spent the majority of the week getting ready for my knee surgery, which did NOT happen today. One more time it was rescheduled. I have decided to just put it off until December 22nd and go on with the things we have planned and not have to worry about my knee.
I am taking off tomorrow with my new friend, Lynn, and her sister to go to an International Quilters Festival. I was really disappointed when she invited me because I was having surgery and would not be able to attend, but now I can go. She said there will be hundreds of vendors and it is quite something.
I know I have been sketchy with information, but we had a GREAT time on vacation and brought back a LOT of trout. Max was soooooooo excited when she caught a trout on a fly she tired at our dining room table. I did not get a picture like the one I took of Paul because we were in our float tubes in the middle of the lake and I did not have my camera with me. She continued to catch many trout on her own tied flies and so did Paul.
Later . . .
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Fun and Fish

Yesterday was a fun day at Round Lake. We took the float tubes and had some fun fishing. We did not catch a lot of fish, but Kathy did catch a nice trout. When you have a nice lake it is really great to get the float tubes out and be able to get around the lake - even though Max and I did not catch anything, we had some fun.
Today we all slept in (we seemed to all be tired) and then did some driving around trying to find a decent creek or river for Max and Paul to do some fly fishing, but all the creeks and rivers are pretty dry right now. However we went back to the bridge on the Clark Fork River and did some fishing. The REALLY cool thing was that Paul caught a fish on a fly that he tied at our living room table.

We are planning to hook up with Wanda and Don tomorrow morning for breakfast and then we are all going to Anelope Lake in hopes of catching some more fish. Time is starting to fly and Friday will be here before we know it.
Later . . .
Sunday, October 01, 2006
More fun - no fish

We were fishing just beyond the foot bridge and as the sun was going down it was really beautiful. Tomorrow we are planning a trip to one of the nearby lakes in hopes of actually getting a fish to stay on our hooks.
Later . . .
Vacation progress

When they were finished, we headed in to town to the Fly store; however we ended up at Walmart where Paul picked up a cheap pole and we bought some groceries. We had breakfast and headed back to the Condo. We are planning on trying our luck on the Clark Fork River this afternoon. Tomorrow we might try a couple of the lakes around here that stock fish (we all need to catch something).
Later …
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Arrived in Idaho

We hooked up with Wanda and Don for breakfast (pancakes, bacon and eggs) and then went out on their boat for a little afternoon fishing (wrong time of day, but it was a beautiful boat ride).

Paul is having some bad luck on this trip - he broke one of his fly poles and the other one is the top to one and the bottom to another. We will be making a trip for the purchase of a new fly pole tomorrow.
Later . . .