Sunday, February 19, 2006

Adventures for Friday

OMG the morning started off early and COLD.  Thank goodness the wind was not blowing.  We headed out around 8:00 AM to do some fishing and sadly for Desirae there were no fish to be caught today.  The sun would come out and you would feel a little warmth and then it would just as quickly disappear.  I got some pictures of Desirae bundled up in a blanket with her fishing pole, but unfortunately they are on a disposable camera and I cannot get the pictures on the blog.  I think I am going to invest in one of those cheap, small digital jobs so we can at least have the pictures right away.  I keep a disposable camera in my fishing vest in case we catch “the BIG one”.  I do not want to take the risks with our good digital cameras, but I guess that is what camera cases are for.

The movie experience for Desirae was a good one except for the choice of movie.  She was totally excited to be in the theater and was in awe with the big screen, bucket of pop corn and pink lemonade.  For all the advertisement one would have thought it (Eight Below) was a good family/kids movie – unfortunately all the adults were crying (we all were very discrete, especially Nana).  Since I did not want to be the person to bring a death experience into Desirae’s life we decided “it was only a movie” and the doggie was “sleeping”.  Luckily all the dogs did a lot of sleeping during the movie so that helped.  There was one part that scared everyone and she was NOT very happy with that.  All in all it was a good time and we are thinking about trying to do another movie on her birthday (Curious George or The Shaggy Dog).

We (Max, Desirae, Kathy, Paul, Michael, Debby and Leigh) all went to Chevy’s for dinner after the movie and then back to our house to see pictures Debby had of Iraq.  We made an early night of it because we were off to the beach on Saturday.  The weather report was not very promising, but we decided we would not be discouraged.

Later . . .

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