Thursday was a bit of a run around day. I needed to pick up some prescriptions from Kaiser as well as get some requested items for my friends in Ireland. A big hit over there is Heresy’s Almond Kisses (go figure with the quality candy they have over there, but different is just different). I also had to hunt down some St. Johns Wort as it has now become a prescription item over there and previously to the prescription status it was very expensive. I have already ordered and received some O’Neil motocross boots for Kevin as they are about $100 US and $200 Euro – and you cannot get the quality over there that is available here.

After the errands were completed, Desirae and I decided to go to McDonalds and get some food for a picnic in the park. I had decided to take her to the park so there might be the possibility we could return her the way we took her – BRUISED! I think the mission was accomplished, but it is only a little bruise on her leg.

She had great fun and met up with some other kids and had hours of good play. She was very proud of herself that she could walk the chain rope with no help.

We decided to go out to Ihop for dinner and have Funny Face pancakes for our “last supper” with Desirae. She was very tired from the running at the park, but we had a good time. Max had a final to take so Desirae and I played and watched a little TV waiting for Max to get finished. Desirae ended up falling asleep on my lap and Max got to carry her to bed. Max feels like she has missed times with Desirae because of the homework and work thing. (Someone has to make the money so we can run around doing the things we do).
Later . . .
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