Later . . .
General happenings around the homestead with actions/ interactions between dogs, family and friends.
I was busy at my sewing machine the other day making these designs on the back of a white over sized shirt. It turned out really cute with the different reindeer. Had to see what they actually look like without close up shots - which I have but am not sure how to link it to this page. I think if you click on the msdrae above it will take you to the flickr site and you can see all the pictures for the shirt - or you might have to click on the picture itself. I have not figured out the Flickr site yet. Okay - click on the picture and then when it takes you to the Flickr site click on the msdrae and then click on the Christmas Shirt set.
Later . . .
I finally finished the tops for the dogs quilts. Now comes the part that I am not that crazy about - batting, backing & binding! The one pictured is for Kodi, as it has the red border. I have started cutting denim squares for quilt projects I have in mind for the grandkids. As usual, I am a bit overwhelmed with all the projects I have stacked up - not to mention things I still need to learn how to do. I guess the only way to tackle the situation is - one thing at a time. Unfortunately, I get so easily side tracked and then end up scattered with many things started and nothing finished. I am hoping that I will build some confidence with the quilting and embroidery and then things will move more smoothly - ha, and that could be wishful/magical thinking on my part (which I am known for).
Later . . .
It is hard to see the actual designs of the materials, but this will have a blue border and it is for Darci.
Later . . .
I finally finished sewing the blocks for the dog's quilts. This one will have a red border and it is for Kodi.
Later . . .
I stopped by a couple of Thrift Stores will I was out yesterday and found 4 yards of good denim and 2 yards of this WILD fabric. I also picked up several hard bound books - if I ever find time to read again.
Later . . .
I am thinking about using the new Flickr site for some of my photos and it has a direct blog link. This is just an old picture of Joy and I at a gargae sale when she was here visiting.
Later . . .