We had a great time at the Summer Special Olympics watching Micahel play Volleyball. His team won a set and lost a set on Saturday, but ended up with a
Silver Medal on Sunday! After his games we (Kathy, Paul, Carl, Nancy [Paul's parents], Max and I) roamed Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley checking out the vendors and having lunch. It was a really nice day as I had not been over there in years. We grabbed a
SUPER chocolate/banana/strawberry/whip cream crepe on the way back to the car and finished our Berkeley experience. Later in the afternoon Max staked the tomato plants in the back yard and I washed our cars. I had
MANY dead bugs on the grill and Max's car was just plain dirty. Max also fixed the hose as it had sprung many leaks, but there was plenty to cut off the leaking part and still have a good long hose.
BTW - my thumb is recovering pretty well. It still has some pain right in the joint, but I am getting much more pain free movement out of it. I have not played any video games or guitar hero - I am sticking to the mouse on my Mac for any game playing. I have also started using Alleve and it seems to do a bit better job than Advil or Tylenol.
Today has been a typical Sunday of relaxation - if you can call listening to your dog pant and cry and drool rivers around the house relaxing. I am afraid to report that Kodi is not getting any better. The vet called yesterday to say his urine test came back fine - so there is no indication that he has Cushings. Unfortunately, there is SOMETHING wrong with him and we don't know what that something is. I was hoping the pain medication would give him some relief, but it does not seem to be doing anything. His feet are clearing up with the medication and antibiotics, but he is still experiencing a lot of discomfort and he is still ravenously hungry. Needless to say, he is breaking my heart with every pant and whine.
Later . . .